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Whether it be an idea applying for our business mentoring program or a startup in need of advices or even an aging firm in need of some help getting back on track, all consulting services can be summarized in three words: Planning, Strategy and Results


Preparation to engage in helping our selected clients. Planning is an essential part of success. Having a plan is key to implementing strategies and solutions to different issues encountered by businesses, whether it be during the creation, startup, maturing or declining stages.


Whatever the problem a strategy needs to be implemented in parallel to the planning stage. Directing a company is a lot like playing chess or navigating a ship. Knowing where the company is heading and preparing for the things to come (considering the external forces) decreases uncertainty. The same way a ship captain is safer when there is no fog, the same way a good chess player has strategizes many moves ahead considering all the adversary's possible moves.


After the ground work has been done and the company is put (back) on a sustainable growing path comes the time to collect the results. This does not mean that one can rest and let the company without analysis. Indeed, it is important to keep on collecting data to evaluate the success of the implemented strategy. 

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