A new take on the business incubator service:
You have a great idea! That's great, but do you have the time and knowledge to take it to the market? If you answer no, then contact us to find out how we can help. Our company has partnered with one of the top business incubators in the USA and we are proud to implement their savoir-faire in South Florida. Our team specialized in entrepreneurship both in theory and practice has launched many successful businesses.
Networking: "It is not what you know but who you know that makes you successful."
Networking is the key to success. We have been building relations and have been networking with the leaders in diverse industries. We can put our amazing network at work for you.
The business incubator can be divided in 3 key services: Business plan, Financing and Implementation. Depending on the client we can price by service or for the entire project. The payment can be made by hourly or daily rate. A retainer might also be a better option. If the client has financial barriers, an agreement can be made between both parties in exchange for a stake in the future company.
A 2010 study by the National Business Incubation Association (NBIA) found that the survival rate of startups using business incubators is 87% compared to 44% for startups that didn’t use incubators.

Business Plan
We listen to your idea and if it is deemed feasible and profitable, a business plan is created. The business plan is the road map to turn the present idea into a future profitable business. The business plan can be a 10 to 70 even a 100 pages document depending on the complexity of the idea. Some research, focus groups and survey may be involved. Depending on the idea, the cost may fall on the client, SmartWORKS or a mix of both.
An agreement and NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement) is also signed between both parties.
Moderate use of networking.

Once the business plan is established, it is time to start looking for financing. Using the business plan we can gather funds from banks, financial services, venture capitalist and angel investors. The client may elect to finance the project totally or fully with his own funds and/or his family and friends.
The decision regarding the source of the funds is taken given a conducted analysis for the best chances of survival and success (ie: interest rates, loans vs. credit, stakes vs. payments...)
Heavy use of networking.

Once the business plan is ready and finance has been gathered to start, it is time to implement the idea. In a nutshell, we implement the business plan. up to the point where the business is ready to be up and running. This part is the longest and the client is kept up to date with the evolution of the project. The client also gets involved as deemed necessary for him to run the business in the future. Think of it as training and basic knowledge you need in order to manage the business on a daily basis.
Once the business is ready and turned back to the client, the client runs it from then on. SmartWORKS might offer consulting services in later stages to make sure the business is conducted the right way and that business is profitable according to the forecast.
Heavy use of networking.
Among our services within the business incubator:
Help with business basics
Networking activities
Marketing assistance
Help with accounting/financial management
Access to bank loans, loan funds and guarantee programs
Help with presentation skills
Links to higher education resources
Links to strategic partners
Access to angel investors or venture capital
Comprehensive business training programs
Advisory boards and mentors
Management team identification
Help with business etiquette
Technology commercialization assistance
Help with regulatory compliance
Intellectual property management